Everybody wants their music to sound loud. But does it need to be loud in order to sound loud ? What does that mean ? Well, it takes us about 30 minutes to really nail the answer to that question in this Dynamic Range Day themed episode, but we get there eventually - and we cover some pretty interesting ground along the way !
For example:
* How to make things sound loud without making them (much) louder
* The trick of balancing loud and quiet songs against each other
* When to turn things down
* What is "loudness potential" ?
* How to get the right balance of loudness before mastering
* The most common loudness issue Ian faces when mastering, and
* The 100% successful strategy he uses to solve it
Full show notes http://themasteringshow.com/episode-31
Dynamic Range Day http://www.dynamicrangeday.co.uk/
Dynameter http://bit.ly/2nnWQY6