In 1938, an infamous broadcast based on H.G. Wells’ classic War of the Worlds allegedly incited confusion and panic as listeners questioned whether a real alien invasion might be underway. While modern analysis of news from the period casts doubt on some of the “panic” claims, the question remains as to what would really happen if the existence of extraterrestrial visitation were revealed under uncontrolled, chaotic means, in a “catastrophic disclosure” of an ET reality?
Recently, a retired U.S. Army Col. presented a proposal aimed at the prevention of what he termed ‘catastrophic disclosure,' involving the unplanned–and potentially chaotic–disclosure of UAP revelations potentially resulting from the actions of U.S. foreign adversaries. This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we explore this concept, and whether mitigation strategies could help reduce the chances of harm resulting from uncontrolled or unplanned disclosure of the existence of non-human intelligence.
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