Michael Moore shares some good news and some bad news. First, the bad: you CANNOT mail your ballot in anymore. It's too late. The Trump administration's sabotage of the postal service, and the potential for the courts to not allow counting ballots that arrive after November 3rd makes it too risky. If you have a mail-in or absentee ballot, you MUST drop it off in-person or vote on election day.
But there's some good news: following yesterday's episode, more Rumble listeners are finding out how easy it is to double (or triple!) their votes. It's simple!
Michael also shares some of your emails and voicemails responding to his question of what we will do if the Republicans steal the election.
You can send more ideas to Michael here:
[email protected]
All of your voting resources are available here:
NYT: How Long Will Vote Counting Take? Estimates and Deadlines in All 50 States