Dr. Irwin Redlener is a nationally-renowned pediatrician, scholar, longtime advocate for children's health and a top expert on disaster preparedness who directs the Pandemic Resource and Response Initiative at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He has been serving the American public blunt truths about the coronavirus pandemic from the very beginning, and he shares some frightening new assessments about where we might soon land: One million new cases EVERY DAY — and 800,000 to 1.5 million of us DEAD by November if we don't get our act together yesterday. He and Michael have an animated discussion about how Trump's America screwed up the response to Covid-19, how Joe Biden could actually just start leading the real pandemic response we need NOW (and from his basement!) which would save tens of thousands of lives, and finally Dr. Redlener gets Michael to promise to personally call Vice President Biden and tell him what he just told his podcast audience. The call will be made.
Today’s Children Are The Pandemic Generation. For Millions, The Future Is Now Grim.
By Irwin Redlener and Karen B. Redlener
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