We're so excited to share this week's Web3 DOer Spotlight guest, Raquel Ramirez!
Raquel, known as "La Condesa de La Condesa", is leading an iconic Mexico based NFT project, hosts weekly Web3 meetups in Mexico City, and recently minted 100M Coindesa coins to serve as the treasury for a community DAO.
Web3 Academy is a community of creators, entrepreneurs & marketers on the forefront of Web3 innovation to create thriving communities and transform traditional business models. J
oin our Discord to learn, ask, network and share: https://discord.gg/ctthuhBU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/web3academy_
Website: https://w3academy.xyz/
Kyle Reidhead Twitter: https://twitter.com/KyleReidhead
Jay Hamilton Twitter: https://twitter.com/hammyjay
Connect With Raquel
Raquel's Twitter: https://twitter.com/crypto_condesa
Raquel's Linktree (links to all of her articles, groups, podcast, newsletter, etc.): https://linktr.ee/cdmx