Welcome back to The MinnMax Show! On this episode, Ben Hanson is joined by Kelsey Lewin, Janet Garcia, and Kyle Hilliard to review the new handheld from Panic called Playdate and Valve's Steam Deck. Then we go down the handheld rabbit hole and take a ton of community questions about the PSP, GameBoy coming to the Nintendo Switch rumors, and a whole lot more. Then we answer questions submitted on Patreon by the community and award the iam8bit question of the week! You can win a prize and help make the show better by supporting us on Patreon and leaving a question! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax
Watch and share the video version here - https://youtu.be/2oLE6HKVB1o
Here's a link to the game preservation Twitter thread mentioned - https://bit.ly/3OElvUP
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To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below...
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:27 - Playdate review
00:38:05 - Steam Deck review
00:47:46 - Analogue Pocket
00:51:44 - Thanking MinnMax's biggest supporters
00:54:50 - Community questions
02:10:06 - Get A Load Of This
Kelsey's GALOT - https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11
Janet's GALOT - https://www.foodandwine.com/drinks/sleepytime-tea-and-little-known-religion-behind-it
Kyle's GALOT - https://twitter.com/heathercampbell/status/1498023231332118530?s=21
Community GALOT - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/skydance-new-media-lucasfilm-original-star-wars-game-1235131671/
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Matt - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Pepperoni4ever - Silent Hill 2
Patrick Polk - Super Puzzle Fighter II X For Matching Service
Fred Dinovo - Tetris Effect
Brett Hunter - Super Mario 64
PrettyGoodPrinting.com - The Incredible Machine
Andrew Vala - Final Fantasy XV
DominicCichocki - Life is Strange 2
Andres Silva - Dark Cloud
Clemens Zobel - Assassin’s Creed
Spider Dan - Illusion of Gaia
Steve B - Jak II
ProcyonNumber6 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves