The Modern Sages: Embrace The Medicine Within
In this episode we share the shamans practice of calling upon scared space. This is a two series section in which next week we will dive deeper into the benefits and blessing sacred ceremony can have in all of our lives.
We spend this episode really breaking down calling upon the directions and creating sacred space. Creating your own sacred space lets you explore the need for spiritual nourishment. This creates an energy bubble dedicated to deepening your intimate connection to spirit, the world, and you.
This can be done at home, at work, or on the go. Everyone can benefit from creating places where they intentionally choose what surrounds them.
In shamanic practice opening up the sacred space starts with calling upon the directions. We start in a circle and call upping each of the directions.
EAST: connected to air and the mind. This about seeing things from a birds eye view. Looking at this journey in an infinite space vs the lens we view in our daily life.
SOUTH: connected to fire & passion. As we call upon the fire we are inviting the fire to ignite passion within.
WEST: connected to water and emotions. As we call in the west we are calling in a depth to hear and understanding a deeper way. Allowing our emotions to align within.
NORTH: connected to earth and spirit. As we call on the north we are aligned and beckoning those who have gone before us to be with us. To help see and feel things from an Infinite space of love and understanding.
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