BREAKING: Explosive New Details On Tim Ballard's Downfall
52 min •
5 november 2023
Welcome to my favorite report on Tim Ballard of all time. I promise to be as unhinged as all the corruption that's being exposed from the high-profile LDS friendships. What else would you expect? Details that involve Mormon tithing records used for fundraising, acquired on behalf of Mormon Apostle Elder Ballard to target wealthy tithe payers to funnel more cash to Operation Underground Railroad (because 5-star hotel rooms with Mexico City's finest escorts don't grow on trees). Those funds were then spent by OUR to silence more victims of sexual exploitation and build Tim Ballard a brand of respect, wealth, and ironically titled movies such as "The Sound of Freedom". Glenn Beck, Utah AG Sean Reyes, OUR President Matt Osborne, and all your favorite characters pop in to show us what unfettered access to ketamine will do to a man.
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