Prophet Calls For Mormons To Reject ALL Non-Mormon Advice
94 min •
8 oktober 2023
In this eye-opening video, we take a deep dive into President Russell M. Nelson's recent conference address, analyzing every crucial moment and dissecting its implications. I address the question of "Why Ex-Mormons care about Nelson's talk," delving into the content that raises concerns and his fear-mongering messages.
Insights into topics like the telestial (TK smoothie) body, Joseph Smith, the law of chastity, and the doctrine of tithing. We also dive into the reactions from ExMormon Twitter, DezNat (Pro-LDS) Twitter and explore how this talk may impact mixed-faith families, all while maintaining a thoughtful and critical perspective on the matter. Stay tuned for a comprehensive analysis that will leave you thinking, laughing, and testing your Mormon family with wise counsel to see if they accept it long after the video ends.
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