The Mother Daze with Sarah Wright Olsen & Teresa Palmer
On this week’s episode of The Mother Daze, we are doing our own INTERVIEWZ with a vampire — see what we did there? — with our dear friend, actress, business owner and fellow mama, Nikki Reed. From her 10-year span working on that little-known Twilight film franchise to founding her own sustainable jewelry company to her photography, this multi-faceted mum breaks down the importance of trusting your maternal intuition, sexy nights spent reading medical journals, career changes, and, of course, her love for all things chicken and goat farming.
Follow Sarah Wright Olsen:
IG: @swrightolsen
Follow Teresa Palmer:
IG: @teresapalmer
Co-founders of @yourzenmama
Read and buy their book! "The Zen Mama Guide To Finding Your Rhythm In Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond"
Follow Nikki Reed:
IG: @nikkireed
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