Merry Christmas, everyone!!! And Happy Festivities to those who don't celebrate it. Wherever you are in the world and whatever you are celebrating, we hope you are well and having a great time! In this episode we are discussing Scully's daddy issues, Mulder's jealously and whether or not you're possessed if you forget your friends birthday... We hope this episode helps fill that weird space of time between Christmas and New Year. Wishing you all the best end to 2022 and we'll be back with a brand new episode in 2023 and we might just have our shit together next year... Maybe, probably not though.
Thank you to everyone who got involved and a big thank you for our Spooky Story in this episode! If you want to send in your own paranormal story then you can send your emails to [email protected] or you can DM us on Twitter @TheMSRFilesPod and you can also follow on Instagram and TikTok @TheMSRFilesPodcast
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