Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Chelsea.
And my oh my is this a special and unique story.
Chelsea is actually a Sacred Birth Worker Mentee of mine. She started the 2nd cohort last year but got severe hyperemesis with this bub that we are going to hear the birth story off. So she’ll be joining the 4th cohort starting in April.
She’s also been on the poddy before on the episode Chelsea Lee’s Irish Twins - A Road Side Birth & a Wild Free Birth if you’d like to listen to that one before this.
The unique and special thing about this birth was that Chelsea coached herself through it all alone. It was only her and her toddler and dog present as she went in to about and birthed much faster than she had anticipated.
Her partner, mum, mother in law, sister and third child all came ”too late” or maybe just perfect.
Chelsea feels like it was the absolute best birth she could have ever had and feels like nothing could ever top this birth.
Curious about?
Find her on Instagram as @chelsealeebutler
Now if you, just like Chelsea have a longing to work with women throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum and are looking for a deep, holistic and comprehensive birth worker training that includes self development, spirituality & feminine embodiment practices, a big focus on cultivating you into a sacred space holder for ceremony, the rite of passage of birth, women’s circles and holding space in the birth portal.
Then here is your invitation to join The Sacred Birth Worker Mentorship starting in April this year.
Together with a vibrant international cohort WE are leading the New Earth Sacred Birth Rebellion with a truly unique approach to birth work merging the modern and the ancient knowledge with feminine wisdom keeping.
A birth worker training way beyond a doula training. Really learning all that I know as a former home birth midwife from conception all the way through to sacred birth advocacy.
Does this stir your heart? Then The Sacred Birth Worker Mentorship could be for you.
Head on over to to learn more and apply.
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Find Anna’s Website, about her Mentorship & How to Work with Her, as well as all Links & Resources she mentions in the episode here: