It was great to sit down with pro Skateboarders Paul Rodriguez, Mike Taylor and Eric Borc and be interviewed. In this special podcast we chat about specific mental drill athletes can be doing to increase awareness, direction, attention and focus capacity. We chat about my path towards starting a business and building a brand! As always, I hope this brings you more than just content. Implement everything you can!Website:
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The Neuro Athletics Newsletter
Instagram: @louisanicola_
Twitter : @louisanicola_
YouTube: @Louisa Nicola
The Neuro Experience Podcast is proud to have hosted: Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Gabrielle Lyon, Dr Layne Norton, Thomas DeLauer, Shawn Stevenson, Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen, Saad Alam, Uma Naidoo, Dr. Lanna Cheuck, Angela Lee Pucci, Jillian Turecki, Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum, Dr. Darren Candow, Dr. Sue Varma, Evy Poumpouras, Dr Casey Means, Renee Deehan, Dr Chris Palmer, Dr Charles Brenner, Dr Joe Zundell, Dr Ray Dorsy, Dr Dale Bredeson, Dr. Ben Bikman