Christina Dent, author of the book, Curious: A Foster Mom’s Discovery of an Unexpected Solution to Drug Addiction, shares the journey that changed her perspective on drugs and addiction. Ultimately, it led her to start the organization End It For Good. She discusses the importance of understanding the underlying causes of addiction and the need for a more compassionate and evidence-based approach to drug policy.
Changing deeply ingrained beliefs and challenging the status quo can be difficult but necessary.
There are financial incentives that perpetuate the current drug policy system.
Faith can play a role in shaping one's perspective on addiction and compassion.
A more compassionate and evidence-based approach to drug policy is needed.
Legal regulation is crucial to ensure consumer safety and reduce crime related to drug addiction.
Accessible healthcare, livable wages, and social infrastructure are essential in supporting individuals with addiction.
00:00 Introduction and Background
02:31 Changing Perspectives on Drugs and Addiction
08:19 Challenging the Status Quo in Drug Policy
13:16 The Role of Faith in Shaping Perspectives
23:46 The Need for a Compassionate and Evidence-Based Approach
28:45 Approaching Loved Ones with Addiction
31:32 The Ineffectiveness of Arresting Drug Dealers
35:29 Addressing Contaminated Drugs through Legal Regulation
39:36 The Need for Accessible Healthcare and Livable Wages
46:36 Switzerland's Innovative Approaches to Drug Addiction
Read Curious by Christina Dent
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