126 avsnitt • Längd: 50 min • Månadsvis
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast (with other role-playing games mixed in) where co-hosts, Adam & Allysa, answer real questions to help fellow Dungeon Masters plan for their Next Session! Segments include ”Ask a GM” where Adam provides a technical in-game ruling, ”Use That Spell”, and ”Search The Room” where they discuss a spell or magic item every episode. Join in on conversation by submitting your question to the podcast and Adam & Allysa will answer and discuss the world’s most popular ttrpg in a casual, educational, and humorous conversation in an inclusive setting.
The podcast The Next Session is created by The Next Session. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Next Session Help:
Thatrandomguy007 has an upcoming NPC’s wedding to plan where things are going to go wrong. We help plan the best worst wedding ever!
Ask a GM:
EasyComparison224 is ruminating on the use of AI when it comes to D&D planning.
Use That Spell!: Word of Radiance
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Next Session Help:
Diet Toothpaste joined us this episode to go over some ideas for working the crowd during a gladiator/WWE fight. T-shirt catapult anyone?
TheRedWarlock has a Big Bad Evil Guy that is making constructs, lining them with a special metal, and selling them to one side of a war….. But why? We go over some possibilities that may take his player’s all over Planescape!
Use That Spell!: Create Magen
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Next Session Help:
PRolicopter Needs a bit of advice on how to handle a PC going out of their way to do something that doesn’t lead them anywhere….. Yet!
KelpieRunner’s party is in a looped hallway trap with painted portrait prisons.
Ask a GM:
Peterwin wants to know if giving the Bard a free sending spell once per day is overpowered.
Use That Spell!: Power Word Kill
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Next Session Help: Bigpahparay is worried they are taking away player agency in a specific prison break challenge.
Ask a GM: Anomalousblimp wonders if we present multiple options for skill checks?
Take it or Leave it: PrometheusHasFallen provides some advice that we dissect: “Having issues with your 5e game? Switch systems!”
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Next Session Help:
Bennett Is looking at running a campaign with a Dark Lord, but what if it was a Lawful Good Flumph..... would that even work?
Majors Descendent’s party was defending a casino from being robbed and they caught the 5 people that were trying to rob it but they unalived all the robbers except for the wizard robber, who now wants revenge. But how does the wizard now have the power to fight the party on their own?
ArtbyAdam is running a Christmas themed one-shot and already has some amazing ideas to run by us! Thanks so much for sharing, hope we helped!
Use That Spell: Faerie Fire
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Next Session Help:
The Red Warlock is back for more and asking how to keep their PCs that had been yoinked onto Planescape from returning. Then Waffle Wizard is starting a youth RPG group with all new players and has reached out for advice. Awesome!
Ask A GM:
Sinrus is wondering if they should let the players call back a retired character thus avoiding an entire planned sidequest.
Use That Spell: Reverse Gravity
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Next Session Help:
Waffle Wizard has a Halloween one shot and wants to make it challenging but still give the PCs a leg up. What to do?
Ask A GM:
Waffle Wizard asked another great question that we just had to muse over!
“What would happen if your PC drank a mini water elemental?”
Use That Spell: Whirlwind
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Next Session Help:
Rhearye has an archdruid lich that just got freed and needs some ideas for the players who are on their way to destroy the phylactery: the throne she sits on.
Ask A GM:
Astra-the-curious wonders what we do when players are setting up a plan that we (as the DM) know will definitely not work.
Search the Room: Philter of Love
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Next Session Help:
John the Red Warlock is back and asked us to brainstorm some Halloween one-shots just in time for spooky (or spoopy!) season.
Key-Philosophy-5446 needs help coming up with ideas of what a cursed fishing rod would catch.
SamPYo has players considering human sacrifice.
Use That Spell: Hail of Thorns
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Next Session Help:
John the Red Warlock has devised a Dino Hunt for his player’s with a Dinosaur that gets stronger with every feeding! We’re tasked with brainstorming some fun scenarios on introducing the Dinosaur and utilizing the NPCs during the hunt.
Ask a GM:
mjsShadow has a player that likes to use Arcane Eye to look at a room(s) before going in constantly, but it is slowing down gameplay. Let’s discuss!
Use That Spell: Draconic Transformation (UA)
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Next Session Help:
Majora's Descendant has created the Island of Tetra and is looking for us to brainstorm some ideas as to what makes the island unique.
Ill-Oven3506 has a player who wants their character to make a noble sacrifice. Can you do that without railroading?
Ask a GM:
Gourmetcheese01 wants to know “What should I include on a DM screen?”
Search The Room: Nether Scroll of Azumar
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Next Session Help:
DietToothpaste is back and wants to know some fun methods of interplanar traversal.
Ask a GM:
Majora's Descendant has a player who is a wizard necromancer summoning sometimes up to 15 zombies and two mummies. Is that right?
Search The Room: Incendiary Cloud
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Next Session Help:
Jradddyo has players with a bird “companion” that does not like them and do not like that it does not like them.
Ask a GM:
LazerusKI has a player with the Pirate background which lets them get away with lots of things, but does that mean he should let him?
Search The Room: Prosthetic Limb
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Next Session Help:
Topherstophers needs help coming up with some monsters and obstacles inside a cave encounter they are planning.
Ask a GM:
Brad2rad is summoning the Rules Lawyers to figure out the best way to rule a teleporting/ falling barbarian.
Use That Spell: Chill Touch
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Next Session Help:
RivTinker is back and her players are gearing up to fight the Goddess of Chaos. They will need to gain the favor of the existing pantheon: Goddess of Nature, God of War and God of Magic and needs some help to come up with the trials and rewards for their tasks.
Flowerkefir’s players keeps cutting hands off of enemy spellcasters……. ಠ_ಠ
Ask a GM:
Assault_Duck wants to know if it is a bad thing to give a boss a second stage. Not at all!
Use That Spell: Gift of Alacrity
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Next Session Help:
Nanotheawsome needs to know how to convince their players to stop trying to weaponize a Beholder statue meant as a gag.
Ask a GM:
Tyrmidden asks, “What do you think about players having a chat group without the DM to talk about plans and strategies?”
Rusty99Arabian wants to know if players can manipulate where they fall with featherfall.
Use That Spell: Beacon of Hope
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Special Guest Justin Lewis, the host of How to Be a Better DM podcast, joins us this week!
Visit: https://session0studios.com/better-dm-show/ to learn more!
We had a great conversation with Justin on how to get more players at your DnD table.
Next Session Help:
Subject_Quail_31 asks “What might the consequences of elemental moons be on the lore of lycanthropes?”
Ask a GM:
Kirst_Kitty wants to know our take on what Magical Honey might do.
Use That Spell: Lonstrider
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Next Session Help:
Allovertheshop is asking why their Fey NPC would be collecting monsters for a non-combat tournament?
Ask a GM:
Admirable_Scarcity74 wants to know what we would do differently if we ran a campaign with sessions once a month versus once a week?
Empty-School7479 is asking about 5 Room Dungeons which Adam has basically been doing, but didn't know that is what it was called. Gotta love learning things together!
Search The Room: Nature’s Mantle
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We're finishing what we started with the second-parter to our Session 0 discussion! This time we go over Character Creation, Map Building, and World Building!
Search The Room: Spellwrought Tattoo
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Next Session Help:
Pretty_Papaya2256 needs help coming up with consequences for their players, especially in regards to an angry pirate crew hunting them down.
NoDirection6223 has let the players discover some stones in an enemies bag. What could they be?
Ask a GM:
Deadra_Churl wants to create an encounter where the players would run into an enemy and as they fight it the characters would be aged by it.
Use That Spell: Arms of Hadar
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Adam Davis from Game to Grow has joined the podcast this week to talk to our long time Australian listener ArtbyAdam. ArtbyAdam wrote in to tell us about his recent run in with the Satanic Panic that seems to follow roleplaying games like an evil shadow. We just had to have him on to tell his story and get his side of things.
Search the Room: Adamantine Armor
Thanks for listening! We’ll be taking a break for the rest of the year and will be back in January!
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Next Session Help: DarkestMoose is not having fun running their campaign anymore and needs help giving closure while they end. Stunning-Ad9453 is running Tomb of Annihilation and has a character in a no-win situation. What should they do?
Ask a GM: Massaman955 wants to know how much poison a level 2 player can extract from a Giant Poisonous Snake.
Use That Spell: Jim's Magic Missile Thanks for listening!
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Next Session Help: John S. would like to start a campaign with all weapons removed from the players and starting in prison. Discuss! He also wants to know what materials/ tools we keep at our table. Ask a GM: MadmanPoet wants to know “What would be a plausible relationship between a Lich and their body?” and Stahl_Konig needs a technical ruling on an Eldritch Knight casting the Green Flame Blade cantrip without the War Caster Feat and holding a shield and a weapon. Use That Spell: Zone of Truth Thanks for listening! As always, you can ask us a question at www.nextsessionpodcast.com
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Next Session Help:
AaLion95 is trying to figure out how to do an arena fight for a single player while the rest of the party sits out.
Isaar42 needs some help populating their in-game Goblin Casino.
Ask a GM:
Spetzell asks, “Does Empowered Evocation apply to each round of a duration spell?”
Use That Spell: Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting
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Next Session Help:
DnDBambi has a Player Character that wants to be resurrected by the Raven Queen and would like help coming up with what the price of that transaction would be.
Ask a GM:
TheBlackIbis asks what could be in a used Bag of Holding that their players have come across?
Ok_Box_7276 wants to know our opinion on players that are mechanically of one class, but played as another?
Use That Spell: Remote Access
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Next Session Help:
TheBlackIbis is back with a question about running a Nilbog. We ask, “what is a Nilbog?” And then we looked it up and answered the first question.
Ask a GM:
MrSillybiscuits asks “How do I become a less adversarial GM?”
Take It Or Leave It: We go into the Rumor System
Search The Room: The Necklace of Adaptation
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Next Session Help:
Brown6214 needs help including a player who can not speak for some time.
Weaverco is a D&D Dad and wants some tips on using D&D as play therapy. Good thing Adam wrote the book on that!
Ask a GM:
SuppleGhost wants to know “Can you cast a level spell and an innate spell as a bonus action?”
Use That Spell: Id Insinuation
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Ask a GM:
VoulKanon wants to know if the inhabitants on a Morkoth island know they forget things? What’s a Morkoth? What’s a Morkoth with you?!
BarNo3385 is dying to know if their puzzle was too complicated.
Puzzleheaded-Dragon needs a ruling on a crossbow expert.
Use That Spell: Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
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Next Session Help:
VigilantRex1 wants advice on stealing some equipment from their Players
Kauzoka has a cool idea for a campaign involving a crime family of Beholders
Ask a GM:
Micnos12 wants to know how to determine when a player triggers a trap.
Use That Spell: Nathair's Mischief
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Next Session Help:
DancingwithaMop is planning to start their campaign with the characters shackled to a wagon headed for prison.
Ask a GM:
BuddhaNews is going to run a dungeon crawl but needs some tips and tricks on how to go about it.
Take it or Leave it:
Shot-in-the-mouth has some good advice on subverting your own expectations.
Use That Spell: Primal Savagery
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Next Session Help:
Flubbajubba2 has created an in-game way to cover for out-of-game absences, but needs to know how it all ties together.
Ask a GM:
M4p80y wants to know “How do I make a big city feel bigger without building literally every building”
JustDarnGood27 asks “How broken/unbalanced would allowing a PC to pull a character in with a grappling hook as a bonus action?”
Search The Room: Dark Shard Amulet
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Next Session Help:
TheBlackIbis is asking if they should retcon the outcome of the last fight since the players were supposed to win it. We say no way!
Ask a GM:
Belolonadalogalo wants to know if a monster with multi-attack can replace one of those attacks with something like a shove.
Use That Spell: Rime’s Binding Ice
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Next Session Help:
Trogdor_98 wants some help with his Wild West campaign and introducing a plot point naturally.
Lame_hurricane has us brainstorm on some subtle good things that can happen to their Lucky character.
Ask a GM:
Miz_Tsunami is running a D&D game with 7 players over video chat and needs some advice!
Use That Spell: Lightning Bolt
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Next Session Help:
Wellbentbanana asks about a possible phantom zone, where the players can start in and all be resurrected at the same time, for the beginning of his mystery campaign.
DanteWrath would like us to brainstorm on unique sacrifices for rituals.
Ask a GM:
GD might have an overpowered Polearm Master on his hands. Should he just make more powerful encounters or nerf his character?
Search the Room: Pearl of Power
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Next Session Help:
Raider1213 has us go over their adventure to see if the plot twist is too confusing.
Ask a GM:
PettitNice asks “Is it a bad idea to make a creature Immune to crits?”
Felaric wants to know how we warm up before a game.
Use That Spell: Immolation
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Next Session Help:
Elrothir’s party made a deal with a hag and now they want out of it.
RivTinker is planning a campaign arc with the God of chaos but on a smaller scale, there is a ship with sunken cargo they need to figure out what it could be. Should it tie into the greater arc?
Take it or Leave it:
Atomfullerene has a mechanic they are offering up for underwater battles in shark infested waters.
Use That Spell: Hellish Rebuke
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Next Session Help:
EarlyMayRabbit’s players have been carrying around a duck egg and it is finally going to hatch! What should be in it?
OneDesign5063 is letting a player carbonate their healing potion, but should it do something extra?
Ask a GM:
ZhenomaDM asks, “Can magic circle trap a night hag on the ethereal plane?”
Use That Spell: Dream of the Blue Veil
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Next Session Help:
ArtemisEvenstar is making a campaign where 3 days prior to the first session magic was suddenly introduced into the world! What sort of consequences does this have?
DR_AniSahne is starting their campaign off with a murder mystery and wants help brainstorming how the players are caught in the act.
Ask a GM:
BeubtheDemonSlayer wants to know, “How do you feel about DMPCs?”
Search the Room: Bag of Beans
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Next Session Help:
Aozth has a player who has turned into a loot goblin and the rest of the party is on the verge of PVP murder. Super tense situation that we will try and unpack!
Misophoniasucksdude is creating a one-shot where a goblin just cast Wish - but what did they wish for?
Ask a GM:
Holycrabe wants to know “what’s the consensus on Counterspell against healing?”
Brianne's DM doesn't want her to play a unicorn.
Search the Room: Galder’s Bubble Pipe
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A&A are back with Special Guest Diet Toothpaste!
Next Session Help:
TheDoon has 4 players with water walk cast on them and are inside a Kraken's mouth while the Kraken is submerged underwater - What will happen?
Ask a GM:
Yryel wants to know if Tritons can conjure water and heal themselves with that water?
DJ_Uwawah has a question on how attacking with ranged spells into water works.
Search the Room: Weapon of Certain Death
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Next Session Help:
Furious_cactus has set their players on a quest to kill a god…. But how would they even go about achieving such an ambitious goal?
QuillontheFae’s players killed a 5th level spell caster and the wizard recovered his spell book. Does that mean they get all the spells now?
Ask a GM:
BenManGinger asks “Create or Destroy Water says that it can destroy fog, and Cloudkill is described as fog, so... can it destroy that fog?”
Use That Spell! Knock
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Next Session Help:
Nz8drzu6 wants to know how to prevent a player from eldritch blasting everything in the room to detect mimics.
iNogle gave their players a lantern of revealing several sessions ago but needs help coming up with invisible things that can be revealed.
Ask a GM:
Irishgrapes is struggling with a younger player (12) and wants us to brainstorm if having initiative out of combat would be an effective tool.
Use That Spell! Enervation
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Next Session Help:
Raddude557 has a scenario where they need to prove someone is noble without paperwork/ references. The A&A brain trust is on it!
Mango He's players thwarted the plans of the BBEG's from taking a legendary item but now needs to find a new hiding place for it without rail roading the players into it.
Take it or Leave it:
Xx_swagatron_xX offers some advice on a strategy turn during combat.
Search the _Homebrew_ Room:
Our friends at DNDbrews on Instagram let us talk about their fantastic items: Wasteland Dagger & The Warcry Helm! We're so excited and hopeful they will let us discuss their awesome items in the future. Fingers crossed!
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Next Session Help:
Mithrandir2056 has set a quest for the Players to retrieve the Heart of a Nixie for a potion, however one of the players does not want to kill a Nixie. Let’s brainstorm!
MorphinRiddle has a player who decided to drink a random potion that everyone is sure is acid. So…… they dead right?
Ask a GM:
FullHealthCosplay NEEDS to know how to handle Unseen Attacker.
Use That Spell! Nystul's Magic Aura
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Next Session Help:
Ferskenkejseren’s player stole a runic keystone from a fey merchant. Now he is trying to come up with a good punishment from the fey. Let’s make some memories!
Ask a GM:
Eisenheim96 wants to know about destroying objects out of combat that have hit points. “What is stopping my players just standing there and rolling d20s until they manage to hit it enough times to destroy it?”
NEW SECTION! Name to be determined - We are discussing advice we have come across from out in the wild wild west of the internet. This one comes from DornKratz who says " ‘Are you sure?’ is the wrong question.”
Use That Spell! Fortune's Favor
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Next Session Help:
Koi8008 Has a player whose character is uninterested in everything. Thee end of the world is nigh and they could care less! What should they do?
Ask a GM:
_Xantamn asks, “Can a familiar cast dragon’s breath on itself?”
Mesalikes wants to know what some of the things blinded monsters can still and will do.
Use That Spell! Uncommon Glamerweave
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Next Session Help:
Badgerbaroudeur Needs some quests (not heists) that their party can do while visiting a museum in the big city they are visiting. Night at the Museum anyone?
Ask a GM:
Veena_Schnitzel wants to know how to handle a rogue’s failed skill check. Just let them keep trying until they succeed?
BeBoppaloopa has never heard about Flanking, and that is okay! But should they use it?
Use That Spell! Mass Heal
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Next Session Help:
Peanutsbrittles has a soul transfer that goes wrong. What else slips in during the invocation ritual?
Ask a GM:
Afullgrowngrizzly Wants to know ways for a “scout” to feel cool without just bypassing/trivializing combat encounters?
Demodius needs advice on in game consequences for a player using multiple concentration spells
Use That Spell! Secret Chest
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Next Session Help:
xParagon needs to kill their PC next session! Don’t worry they are in on it. How do they do it without the other PCs trying to save them?
Ask a GM:
xHayz asks “Does a monster know what spell effect something is before it chooses to use a legendary resistance?” We answer this question and Adam gives some insight as to how he runs Counter Spell.
Search the Room! Knave's Eye Patch
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Covid finally hit our family and we are stuck in a different state until we are safe to fly home! So no new episode, however, we got to have an in-depth chat with Baker_Turtle, who we helped last episode, to dive in an work on their next session together! This won't be edited the same way since I don't have my computer with me, so no music intro, but no ads either! ;)
Really fun! If you would like to be on the podcast and brainstorm ideas with us let me know at [email protected].
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Next Session Help:
Baker Turtle Needs some ideas for keeping their players interested and engaged at a festival in Neverwinter so that a murder mystery can begin.
Ask a GM:
DrakeHeartscale wants to know what’s our take on background music during gameplay?
Search the Room! Pipes of the Sewer
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A&A are back with special guest @ExtrillTheKing
Next Session Help:
Hairylegg asks: how does one manipulate someone else to accidentally assassinate a target?
ArkAlpha1 Has a human enemy that is cursed with immortality and wants the players to have different options for removing the curse in order to dispatch them.
Ask a GM:
Blackdeath47 Wants to know if the feat Telekinetic can be ruled so an enemy can be flung off a tree instead of just pushed/pulled in a straight line.
Use That Spell! Ice Storm
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Next Session Help:
ControbutionUsual106's little brother and some of his friends are gonna play D&D and they need some quick, easy to understand missions/ ideas that they could do.
Diet Toohpaste wants to design a one shot where everyone will be making and playing evil characters.
Ask a GM:
Scary-Safety-89 is running a horror themed campaign and wants to make an adventure in a more spelunking like cave setting and get the players to feel claustrophobic.
Use That Spell! Heward's Handy Haversack
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Next Session Help:
Cafeaubae's players killed and made boots out of a Giant Crocodile and they would like to reward the players by making them magical. Adam and I about came to blows on this one but we successfully attempted to answer it!
Mute8 needs to figure out why a wizard who has an amulet of cloning would ever need help from the party.
Ask a GM:
DJDarwin93 made a puzzle in a different language and then didn't let the warlock use Comprehend Languages. Was that okay....????
Use That Spell! Conjure Volley
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Next Session Help:
Wafersnap Has sent their players into a ring of Hell that is based on the deadly sin of Lust. What encounters or places can we think up?
Ask a GM:
SirCranburry's girlfriend says that the NPC is not eff-able enough. Discuss!
Search The Room! Nothing was sexy enough so we found a homebrewed item!
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Next Session Help:
Weltschmerzwonder has a mystery house that the player’s are finally going to get in…. But what is inside?
Ask a GM:
BananasGod Needs some help with making a mountain climb less boring for themselves and their players.
Use That Spell! Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
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Next Session Help:
Diet Toothpaste has a bard that wants to switch their major in college, that is change from the College of Lore to the College of Spirits. Should this be a quick event or the focus of a mini-campaign?
Ask a GM:
IwantDandDMaps has an idea to make their Doppelganger copy the player’s attacks during the combat. We tell them that it isn’t a terrible idea, but there are better ways to do it.
Use That Spell! Danse Macabre
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Next Session Help:
oofatality has a player that wants their character to have multiple personalities. It’s up to oofatality to choose when they change characters and they need some ideas!
Ask a GM:
Mr_Picky has a player that has become their favorite since the player’s backstory fits nicely into the world and has given Mr_Picky lots to work with. How do they balance with the rest of the party and stop playing favorites?
Use That Spell! Catapult
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It’s another mini-sode!
Next Session Help:
Njeshko has a player that won’t give up a demon sword and Njeshko wants to “mess with them.”
Search the Room! Dissonant Whispers
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Short episode today!
Next Session Help:
Plixels' players helped an evil wizard dispose of a shape-shifting spell gone wrong by dumping it into the local river where the trout were mating. Now they need help coming up with consequences.
Ask a GM:
Yasutsuna96 wants some advice on how not to bog down combat with too many different types of enemy units
Search the Room! Talking Doll
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Next Session Help:
Foxgoose21 has a player who wants to plant a tree in the middle of their airship. How should they go about this?
Jmlwow123’s wizard player has just ran out of luck and hit the effect of wish where he can no longer cast it. Now he wants it back. Is this possible?
Ask a GM:
YortMaster has a player who likes to Grapple and wants to shove them down to prone. YortMaster ruled that the player must go prone with them. Was that right? We rule on this question and also the word Grapple loses all meaning.
Search the Room! Animated Shield
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Next Session Help:
Ask a GM:
Use That Spell! Tenser’s Floating Disk.
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It's Season 3 y'all!
Next Session Help:
Use That Spell! Crown of Stars
Riddle Me This!*
A new segment there we discuss generic concepts in D&D. This episode we dive into cheating in D&D. The different reasons why and how someone might cheat, and what you can do about it.
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*The name is bad and we feel bad. Expect it to change.
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Next Session Help:
Ironhorn needs to figure out what quests an "after hours" or "B-Squad" of adventurers would go on.
BillyBobJean2’s players stole from a rich person and now he needs ways that person can get back at the party.
Ask a GM:
Feather Fall in a barrel?? - Myragem
Use That Spell! Barkskin!
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Next Session Help:
Sherlock_strikes has a couple of young royals pranking the castle and wants help coming up with something funny, but not explicitly mean.
MidhaRockyK’s player is an open hand monk who took the life force of a dying Tiamet… but where to go from there?
Ask a GM: KiesotheStoic always has a good scenario and this is no different! “What if someone in your world cast speak with the dead on their own skull?”
Use That Spell! Pyrotechnics
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Ep 58 Hostages and Holy Aura
We welcome a special guest, DIetToothpaste!
Next Session Help: Falcner1 has a scenario where the players are going to compete against NPCs for a spot guarding a ship.
KnickKnack (not real name) Has a player who is constantly taking hostages. Help!
Ask a GM: TheAngelWarrior7's player has a kind of gun and shoots it at an enemy point blank. Does it automatically hit? Should they have to roll for it?
Use That Spell! Holy Aura
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Next Session Help: Up-Above is making a Zoo Encounter based on the game Ape Escape and needs some help planning some combat elements.
Squidshellion wants some help with some Home Alone style encounters.
Ask a GM: What if a vampire in your world was prevented from drinking any blood? - KiesoTheStoic
Use That Spell! Zephyr Strike!
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Next Session Help:
Jakemp1 asks “what are the pros and cons to having long hair?” A player used a magic comb to turn themselves into a pink Cousin Itt for the day mid-dungeon and needs some consequences.
Impossible-Wind9068 wants to turn the player’s ship into a mimic slowly over time and give hints / foreshadow the occurrence.
Ask a GM: AtticusSPQR wants to know if using a timer in real life to get players to make decisions is "assholey."
Search the Room! Luck Blade!
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Next Session Help:
TheGingerRogue has a situation where the players need to remove a curse, but they want to spice it up a little.
Snivythesnek wants to know, “How do you handle executions and scenarios where people should realistically die in one swoop?”
Ask a GM:
Can fairies get lycanthropy? Well can they? Submitted by The-Amazing-Biderman
Use That Spell! Enemies Abound
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Next Session Help:
CremedelaGem is running an “urgent city maze type dungeon” and needs some guidance.
WahookaTG wants to know, “How do I prevent players from dying in an unwinnable fight?”
Ask a GM:
DinoHunter64 is shifting his game entirely online and would love some tips/ tricks/ resources for how to do a virtual tabletop.
Use That Spell! Unseen Servant
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Next Session Help:
WhackyNudle has a player that doesn’t appreciate having consequences for using Charm Person on a shopkeep. Should they change how they rule Charm Person to keep this player happy? We say no!
Minimum_Fee1105 needs some advice on running a collapsing dungeon. He just fell into it!
Ask a GM:
Timp1mandi wants to know, when should you provide an encounter or battlemap?
Use That Spell! Contact Other Plane
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Next Session Help:
Tuckster786 wants to introduce a player as a traitor, but they don’t know it yet. Bad idea? Kind of.
Des___ wants a giant sandworm to eat the entire party and make it a wormy dungeon, but then what?
Ask a GM:
Realistic-March-5679 asks if they can create Yandu style arrows (from Guardians of the Galaxy) using the Piercer feat and Animate Objects.
Use That Spell! Steel Wind Strike
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Next Session Help:
ChemicalWeather’s party left the cleric unconscious in a dragon’s lair and wants some ideas for reasons the dragons wouldn’t outright eat her so she can be saved.
DM_Mularki needs some advice if Heat Metal works on Constructs and Warforged.
Ask a GM:
neildegrasstokem wants to know, “If I True Polymorph a man into a wooly sheep, and someone shears it, is there any change to the man once dispelled?”
Search The Room! Hat of Wizardry!
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Ep 50
Next Session Help:
Jvosika is running a campaign where an entire village pledges loyalty to the players and start following them. What sort of shenanigans should they be up to?
Tobi6000 has a botanic science lab that can give the players some sweet upgrades, but he isn’t sure what those should be.
Ask a GM:
LivingIn3d wants to know how monsters and enemies should attack. Weakest one first? Most intimidating? Closest?
Use That Spell! Vampiric Touch
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Next Session Help:
Dccowboy has a situation where the Axe of Alertness will always be alert. Will this render it useless?
Marshmallow049 asks “How to make dangerous poison in a world with magic?”
Ask a GM:
BeginningEngineer95 wants to know some ways to use a smart device to control the lighting for proper ambience. Alexa roll for initiative!
Use That Spell! Alter Self
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Next Session Help:
Winged_Wolf99 needs help with a murder mystery arc they are planning.
Typhus_black has a player who is a low level dragonborn but wants to be able to have and use wings.
Ask a GM:
Ironhunt wants to know about the specific spell Blooming Blade and if the material of a small weapon gets consumed when the spell is cast.
Use That Spell! Dust Devil.
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We tried a different spot in the house and it was worse somehow. Sound proofing panels arriving tomorrow!
Next Session Help:
GoobMcGee wants to know “Ways a god would reach out that isn't a dream?”
Yueqqi has players who stole some lobsters and the druid wants to keep them. Lobster holsters anyone?
Ask a GM:
TheGingerRogue wants to know, "how would you rule AOE cast from inside a creature?”
Search the Room! Lantern of Tracking.
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Next Session Help:
YungComfy wants to know “How would a wererat respond to a talisman with a rat on it / what magical significance would it hold?”
GallicPontiff has concocted a rat faced beholder and needs help coming up with some rat themed abilities.
Ask a GM:
Brand new DM, Fair_Setting_2915 wants to know where exactly to begin as a new DM. What should they buy? What resources do they need?
Use That Spell! Ray of Enfeeblement. It’s really fun to say!
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Next Session Help: Vainwin’s players made a deal with a devil who is going to bust a dragon out of an Eiffel Tower sized magical pillar. But the big question is how?
Trick_Willingness440 is designing a mist based dungeon and wants to know what should go into it.
Ask a GM: Calthiss is unsure if using “narrative traps” where players don’t get a save are okay to do all the time.
Use That Spell! Mislead
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Next Session Help:
Silvere01 has new players who don’t want to do anything but win D&D by getting item “X” to “CityCity.” They need help motivating the players to slow their roll and let things happen more organically.
Ask a GM:
Feeling-Idea2513 wants to know how Adam rolls for stats.
TheMasterDungeon asks, “Do smaller creatures take more damage from larger creatures?” In D&D 5e the answer is no. But let’s see what Adam says.
Use That Spell! Illusory Dragon
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Theresamouseinmyhous wants to set up a fight in a potion shop where it is near impossible not to knock potions on the ground.
Diet Toothpaste finally gets to DM in person again but is feeling a bit nervous coming out from behind the zoom screen.
After the break, Art by Adam DMs for sometimes 12 kids with only 30 minute sessions and is looking for advice on how to streamline the process.
Use That Spell! Plant Growth!
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PeachasaurusWrex asks, “What the eff is in this temple?”
Then, Hyperionfin’s Bard pulled a Flames card from the Deck of Many Things and needs help coming up with how a demon is pursuing him.
After the break, Teeleert wants to know, “Is it metagaming to know another class's spell list?”
Use That Spell! Tree Stride!
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Macpadmore wants to reflavor a Gulthias tree. How about chocolate mint?
Then, Oswaldsumbrella asks, “[How do] I depict realistic grief without making the session a total downer?” Adam says, "Make it a total downer!"
After the break, Resurectionist needs some quick help with a rules lawyer who thinks they broke Wild Shape by applying the spell Mask to it, and BulgarianThornbill wants to know what check to use when a player says their character has “heard about *blank* location.”
Use That Spell! Guardian of Nature!
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It's the end of Season 2 and we welcome special guest Adam Davis from Game to Grow!
We have too many questions, so it comes down to the roll of the dice to see which ones we answer this week.
Use That Spell: Spirit Guardians!
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TheRealForteGaming has a plot where the villain is bent on removing magic from the world. The players are about to meet some of the villain’s followers and TheRealForteGaming wants some help.
Then, Reynosomarkus’ players are going to steal gold from “the physical manifestation of greed” and wants some ideas on how they can curse the loot.
After the break, Manemeth wants to know why Tritons get the ability to cast fog once per long rest instead of control water. Allysa learns that Tritons are a race, and not just a weapon for King Triton.
Use That Spell! Cordon of Arrows!
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Benry007 is back and needs help with his campaign in the Beastlands.
After the break we have 2 Ask a GM questions!
Whiskeybenthellbound wants to know how Sending Stones work. Specifically, how do we use sending stones?
AllUrBaseRBelong2Gus wants to assign a player to be the scribe. Good idea? Bad idea? Yes idea!
Search the Room! And old classic, the Sun Blade.
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Ehbean’s players have come across some ingots from space and needed us to brainstorm different effects the space metal would have. Space sword!
After the break we have two Ask a GM questions!
Benry007 wants to know, “Should I fix a player's weakness with a magic item?”
TabaxiCab asks us about a 2 person D&D game, or what other TTRPG’s would work well for 2 people?
Use that Spell! Synaptic Static!
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Salty_Herring needs help with adding to their Great Tree dungeon with multiple seasons. Four Season Total Dungeoning!
Becherbrook needs an “unusual scenario for an unusual sword.” It *cues the soundtrack from Wicked* Defies Gravity!
After the break, Xxqaqxx wants to know how to navigate people wanting to hire him as a DM.
Use that Spell! Disintegrate!
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Thortron's players are going to the “Clockwork Café” for date night and he needs some ways that the café can mess with them.
Gentle_pencil asks about ideas for a sentient dungeon. Will it be a triumph?
After the break, DumpingAllTheWay wants to know, “If a town celebrated a ninja parade every year, where the ninjas would sneak past the crowd and leave things behind to find, what would they leave?”
Use That Spell! Clairvoyance!
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BoyNamedDong has a pirate campaign and wants to add scurvy into the mix when he doesn’t already make the players track food.
Perfect_Event_1229 has a brilliant idea to add some flavor or consequence to Raise Dead.
After the break, Rairaijin wants to know, can pixies be familiars?
Use That Spell! Prismatic Wall!
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TrollundrtehMountain wants to make their players terrified of wasps but still only have them hit for 1 or 2 points of damage.
DM_KD20's players are headed to a Lord's birthday and need to figure out what the enemies' gift should be to kickstart a conflict.
After the break, imstillarookie wants to know, is Cutting Words before or after damage roll?
Use That Spell! Blade Barrier!
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CollinsRabbit Has a player that was granted a wish and wants help granting it without breaking his campaign.
Then, Randompeep8 wants to know if it is bad that they only want to run one shots? The answer may shock you...... except it won't. The answer is "no of course not" but we do elaborate on it.
Search the Room! It's the Well of Many Worlds!
Use That Spell! Warding Bond.
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lightguard40 is highlighting his players with special encounters and puzzle and wants to do a "Battle of the Bards" for the Bard but needs help making it awesome.
Then, Pending987 wants to know, "What's in the box?"
After the break, Bolognagiri wants to give their players a cursed item. Should Bolognagiri tell them it's cursed before hand?
Use That Spell! Blight!
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Capsr's players killed a baby black dragon and needs help figuring out how to drive up the threat level when momma dragon figurers out what happened.
Then, Omnipotentdrop wants our thoughts on an adventure based around the show Samurai Jack! Um... Yes. Do it, it sounds awesome!
After the break, LittleGr33nMen wants to know how to accommodate a player that doesn't want to kill anything.
New Segment! Search the Room! This week we took a listener's suggestion and decided to discuss a magical item rather than a spell.
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Kaede_miura wants to do a fake total player knockout (TPK) and is asking if it's okay. Yeah sure! Just don't make it suck.
Then, TcFir3 has a player who made a deal with a "potion salesman" who gave away 50% of his wife's lifespan for the opportunity to be resurrected should the need arise. TcFir3 needs help coming up with the consequences of that action.
After the break, Friend135 asks about how to deal with material spell components.
Use that Spell: Dawn
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No, we didn't travel to Canada. Not only is there a pandemic, Canada doesn't exactly want visitors right now. However, every question on today's episode is from Toronto, Canada. Weird coincidence? Maybe! Enough to break out of my naming convention? Eh...
In this episode, TabaxiCab has a game with a team of "Suicide Squad - style Dark Knights" and is wondering how to "balance creating the space for players to be nefarious with rewarding goodness" and also letting them shine.
Then, Free Range Narwhal wonders if it is selfish to only want to play when the entire party is there and asks how we handle that situation.
After the break, TabaxiCab comes back to ask about what storylines/ plotpoints do we reskin steal for our own games.
Use that Spell: Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm!
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In this episode, DocCaesar has a player with a backstory that is coming back to haunt them, but the player doesn't believe it to be true.
Then, stryke360 has a player who has a broken Ring of Spell Storing and wonders what spell they should have preloaded in the ring once it is fixed.
After the break, Anosmiyas' entire party are ranged attackers and they are wondering how to make combats more interesting.
Use that Spell: Ray of Sickness!
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In this episode, Diet Toothpaste asks about using the Mirror of the Past to give breadcrumbs to their party members.
Then, TolBeardBoi asks what to do about their party unleashing 11 crazy creatures from the Mirror of Life Trapping in a small tavern.
After the break, Jajohnja wonders how to present unknown effects to players?
Use that Spell: Maelstrom!
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In this episode, Pretender37 asks about using Mage Hand in combat.
Then, WereRob0t needs some help figuring out how to save their players from a TPK realistically.
After the break, Bite-Sized- Ewan asks how to motivate their party to go after the BBEG, and Adam and Allysa get on a rant about player responsibility at the table.
Use that Spell is quite a doozy! Magic Jar
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It's the Season 1 Season Finale!
We decided to shake it up and bring you an entire episode on joke magical items. But we couldn't do it alone and welcomed back the ever amazing Greg Barrett to help us on our quest!
This episode is literally just us joking around about joke magical items.
Tune in to Season 2 for our regularly scheduled content. ;)
Hope you all have a Happy New Year!
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In this episode, combatmedic22 needs helping killing all light in their kingdom.
Then, realarksendis has an item that the players are salivating over... but it turns out it's a joke item.
After the break, Jaketatoes wonders how much money everybody else gets. Not much!
Use that Spell: Maze
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In this episode, A&A tackle pigoman92's question about what projectiles you could use to hurl at a party to slow them down.
Then, LearningFeed wants to follow a Greek myth and asks if it is possible to petrify someone.
Adam later commiserates with LongLing26 about how broken Conjure Animals really is.
Use that Spell: Primal Savagery!
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A&A are back with special guest Zachary Zelinski! Zach is a good friend with a great talent for story creation and making A&A crack up. In fact, more than 30 mins of laughter was cut from this episode.
Together, Adam, Allysa, and Zach answer furac0nas' question about a blacksmith encounter, and Causticberries' question what would happen if someone lost their shadow.
Later, williamsettler asks, "what happens if a red dragon loses its fire breath weapon?"
Use that Spell: Sword Burst!
As always, you can ask us a question at www.nextsessionpodcast.com
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Trigger Warning: Talk about death.
Two big questions today about what to do when a player is missing from the session.
After the break, A&A talk about the birds and the bees and D&D, and then the ridiculousness of the spell Awaken.
As always, you can ask us a question at www.nextsessionpodcast.com
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Instagram: @nextsessionpodcast
Twitter: @thenextsession
Facebook: @thenextsession
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A player "fun-dipped" some powdered Flameskull and A&A help figure out the consequences.
Then, Novisstatic asks about the best way to dump lore onto players and A&A go over the spell Fabricate.
As always, you can ask us a question at www.nextsessionpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Instagram: @nextsessionpodcast
Twitter: @thenextsession
Facebook: @thenextsession
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A&A are back with special guest Andy Clodfelter! Andy is a co-host of the podcast 90s Court, a player in the actual play D&D game known as Daring Adventures, and just launched his new podcast, Anomalous Fascination.
Together, Adam, Allysa, and Andy answer Deekester's question about his sister's Shrek themed campaign, and Lowkileet's question about a very cursed item and the effects it has on the cleric that just attuned to it.
Later, OneManDustBowl asks, "what are some of the best pieces of positive feedback you've received?"
Use that Spell! It's Color Spray! Or, maybe it should be known as Color Light Show!
Thanks for listening!
Please submit your questions at: NextSessionPodcast.com
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This week A&A are joined by the incredible Lindsay Bernal de Barrett to answer your questions!
First question comes from Iskotpop who needs help leaving clues behind for their Robin Hood plot.
Then, RadPanda36 has a player with a demon inside of them and needs some advice on what kind of demon it should be.
Later, Adam, Allysa, and Lindsay tackle Diet Toothpaste's question about how to balance one outgoing player with four reserved players.
Then, Lindsay gives the hot gossip on the amazing tricks of Rope Trick.
Thank you all for listening! You can submit your question at our website: Nextsessionpodcast.com
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Adam & Allysa help Darkephoenixe explain how dragons returned from extinction, especially adult dragons. Draconic Park anyone? Also, there is a scientist turned chicken and BerryLerryTerry's girlfriend is keeping him as pet.
Later, A&A discuss a great question from DropShotEpee who asks how to DM when you are feeling depressed.
Then, Allysa tries to bend all the rules with the spell Demiplane.
You can submit your questions at nextsessionpodcast.com. Thanks for listening!
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A&A are back with special guest Rainier Powers! Besides having the coolest name, Rainier is a good friend, a great RPG player, and the genius behind The Next Session's logo. In this episode, A&A&Rainier answer the question, "What do I put on the top floor of an Eldritch library of all written knowledge?" and what to do about a doppelganger that has been masquerading as a friendly NPC the entire time.
After the break, Adam & Allysa answer a question about introducing a new Player Character to the group, even if they are only going to be there for one session.
Use That Spell: Time Stop!
How would you spend your 1d4+1 turns when time is frozen?
As always, thanks for listening! You can submit your questions and spell suggestions on our website:
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Halloween is coming!
A&A tackle a tricky question on running a Halloween game for teens who don't get to go out because of the pandemic. They also help a GM with their "bowel based dungeon." After the break, A&A explore what is inside a golem, and go over the ever useful spell, Grease! Well, only if your DM lets you put it into a jar to save for later.
Thank you for listening and your support!
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Adam & Allysa welcome their first guest, Greg Barrett! Greg Barrett is a Digital Dungeon Master who also runs LARP summer groups when not in pandemic times. He is sometimes featured on the podcast Geek in the City.
Together they tackle two questions on NPCs and one funky scenario involving an Anti-Magic Field inside of Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion.
After the break, A&A discuss a level 5 spell called Negative Energy Flood.
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A magical Tome of Symphony and how to incorporate it intrigues A&A this week, along with a question about the consequences of splitting the party. After a break and another question, A&A discuss the spell stoneskin and some cool ways to use it.
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A&A lend their ideas to Cryinguitar's really cool vertical dungeon and help Shattered158 with how soul magic might work. After the break, A&A discuss phrases meant to scare players into listening and the spell Vitriolic Sphere.
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A&A answer two fantastic questions about how to make things more balanced in the game and still fun. After the break, they discuss a wizard's hat choices and the spell Hallucinatory Terrain.
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A GM asks what to do next with their evil corporation plot line and another asks what system they should use at a senior center. A&A also discuss the spell Earthbind and some modifications to help make it more versatile.
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The GM has been building up a big fight with a lamia but forgot to give the players a rest, A&A weigh in on what to do next.
Also, they talk about whether you should go through with giving the players a fake treasure at the end of a dungeon, and the spell Life Transference.
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A&A help a game master tackle a tricky situation where two players came up with the same concept for their characters.
Later, they discuss how to start writing a homebrew campaign, how to make travel interesting, and the spell Antilife Shell.
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Adam and Allysa introduce themselves and The Next Session before diving into a question about a soon to be party of werewolves. Later they discuss what official rules they choose to ignore and the spell Witch Bolt.
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The advice podcast to plan your next role-playing adventure!
Adam and Allysa Johns (A&A) focus on helping game masters with their next role-playing session. Did your players write you into a corner? Do you need advice on what rules to implement or what rules to ignore? Do you want to hear the banter of an old married couple who grew up in the 90's?
We're the podcast for you!
Updating every Monday, A&A answer your specific plot questions, some general advice questions, and highlight a spell with the different ways to utilize it.
Find out more and submit questions at:
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