The Nick D Podcast on Radio Misfits
In this “For The People” episode, Nick welcomes The Consumerman, Herb Weisbaum to the podcast. to discuss the dangers of water beads and how to keep your family and children safe. They also talk about how to safely shop online during the holidays, where to find a reputable roofer, and they give an update on the problematic and controversial method of Buy Now, Pay Later. Then, Consumer Guide Automotive’s car guy Tom Appel joins “For the People” to talk about some new cars, the rules of test-driving vehicles (and what happens if you have an accident while test-driving one), the goofiness of driving schools and simulators, the hilarious ad for the 1956 Nash (which features a very funny example of how child safety was definitely NOT an issue in the old days), and news about the Tesla Cybertruck, and, of course, Nick’s Dad Tells a Joke. [Ep199]