Rodney Ascher is an American documentary filmmaker, perhaps best known among us horror fans for ROOM 237 - a documentary that focuses on the exhaustively diverse amount of theories surrounding The Shining. Rodney’s other projects include The Nightmare, a terrifying deep dive into sleep paralysis, and Primal Screen, about childhood fears of characters that fall in the uncanny valley.
Rodney's latest movie, A Glitch in the Matrix, explores the widely reported phenomena of Simulation Theory, the terrifying idea that human life is a big simulation as portrayed in The Matrix. Guys, this movie was fantastic; all of Rodney's movies are amazing - he's one of the most fascinating documentarians out there, so definitely check out his other movies like Room 237 and Nightmare, but run don't walk to see A Glitch in the Matrix. It's extremely unique, fascinating, and as always, Rodney's directorial style is downright hypnotic. Also, if you're even remotely interested in this notion of simulation theory, I suggest checking out the Reddit thread, also titled, A Glitch in the Matrix, if you really want to get freaked out by some first-hand accounts of this alleged phenomenon.
This is my second interview with Rodney, and in my first, we get into his director origin story and more of his techniques and processes as a filmmaker, so if you're interested in that, go check out episode 36. In this interview, Rodney and I focused almost exclusively on A Glitch in the Matrix - I always enjoy speaking to him; here, without further ado, is master documentarian Rodney Ascher.
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