A brother and sister once plagued by unknown entities in their childhood, begin experiencing the phenomenon again. Tired of not having answers they decide to step into a new dimension in search of answers.
You’ve been listening to the Night’s End podcast which is a production of Dissonance Media.
Alternate Abyss was written by R. Michael. R. Michael is a Science Fiction and Fantasy writer from Merrillville, IN. For more from R. Michael, head over to his Goodreads page at
https://www.goodreads.com/rmichael where some of his other work is listed with links for you to purchase.
This episode was narrated by James Barnett who also performed Jimmy Horrors. You can see more from James at
Kelly was performed by R.E. Rule. R.E. Rule is one half of the team over at Tiny Tales podcast, which is a weekly short story podcast spanning fantasy, horror, comedy, and everything in between.
Go to
www.tinytalespodcast.com to find out more or search for it wherever you get your podcasts.
This episode was edited and produced by James Barnett.
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And as always, stay horrific everyone.