Michael Sarnoski is the director and co-writer of A Quiet Place: Day One, the franchise's third film. The film follows Sam who is trapped in New York City during the early stages of an alien invasion. Michael shares that he was attracted to this film because of the opportunity to explore interesting character dynamics.
In today’s episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins speaks with Michael Sarnoski to discuss:
- Bringing aspects of his feature film Pig to his current film, A Quiet Place: Day One
- How the aliens in the film are a vehicle for exploring character dynamics
- Michael’s journey as a filmmaker
- Giving yourself permission to write something you care about
- Figuring out what a “silent New York” would sound like
- Balancing VFX and practical effects
- Creating a respectful yet constructive environment on set
- Michael’s approach to hiring and knowing who to collaborate with
Memorable Quotes
- “You just have to find one person that gets your idea and wants to see it happen.” [8:01]
- “You have to be constantly focused and moving things forward and not waiting for someone else to step in.” [11:13]
- “Write a really inexpensive feature you can shoot with the resources you have, and go do it. You’ll learn a ton.” [32:39]
A Quiet Place: Day One
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