In this episode of Indie Film Weekly, No Film School’s co-hosts Liz Nord, Jon Fusco and Emily Buder imagine the impact of AMC’s Odeon purchase, which creates the world’s largest cinema chain and might completely screw theatrical for indies. We also discuss the 2016 Emmy nominees, how Hollywood’s notorious casting scams affect indie actors, and Blackmagic’s forward-thinking new Arduino shield for DIY remote lens control. The episode includes exclusive clips from interviews with filmmakers Roar Uthaug, whose film 'The Wave’ is out on Netflix this week, and Brady Corbet, whose film ‘Childhood of a Leader’ is hitting VOD & limited theatrical. As always, the show brings more news you can use about gear, upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases, our Ask No Film School segment, and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.
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