Paul Dobson speaks with nonduality author and teacher Joan Tollifson.
The stories that the mind tells are just stories or thoughts. They’re never really true. We have a certain view, but we don’t really know anything. When we go into the sensory reality of anything, there is nothing solid there at all in the space of awareness. When you actually tune into the actuality of the body, it's not solid at all nor separate from its environment. The whole spiritual path is really just about seeing through delusion. The more we recognise the fluidity of everything and the insubstantiality of our ideas, the more we’re able to be at ease with things being exactly the way they are, which doesn't mean we might not do something to change things. One moment there is transcendence, and the next there is the personal story. Neither need be dismissed. But there can be a noticing that there is one whole appearing in this aware space.
Nonduality author and nondual therapist Nic Higham's website:
Music by Scott Buckley -
Video footage: Pexels