A compilation of key clips from the Nonduality Podcast.
Paul Dobson from the Nonduality Podcast
Featuring Nondual Counsellor and Coach Nic Higham (http://thewholenessofexperience.com)
Peter Brown https://nisargayoga.org/peter-browns-yoga-of-radiant-presence/
Colette Davie (@thatbeyondduality)
In this enlightening yet accessible podcast, co-presenter Paul Dobson and author and nondual therapist Nic Higham explore the truth of #Nonduality. Join Paul and Nic’s real-time exploration of life beyond the illusion of separateness. They ask: ‘Who am I? What is the nature of our experience? What is self-inquiry? What is meditation?’ Inquire into the present moment and drop your false ideas. Music by Scott Buckley - https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/