We are aware. We are experiencing. This reality is obvious and irrefutable, yet we habitually overlook or bypass this basic fact and instead focus on fleeting facets of experience. Our unlimited experiencing is the constant, unshakable background; we are never not conscious no matter the quality of our experiences. Simultaneously, this awareness is the ever-shifting foreground. Our present experience, despite its flavour, colour or mood, is nothing but experiencing itself. You are not simply ‘aware of’ things; there are no things separate from nondual awareness. All you ever find is the perpetual process of awareness or experiencing, as seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and so on. These modes seem to be separate but are actually expressions, or modes, of a singular sentience. You never find something divided from this fundamental and omnipresent fact, only this dynamic aliveness appearing as all. There is, therefore, both an ‘awareness of’ and an ‘awareness as’, and you are these boundless capacities. You are at once every thing and no thing. You are the eternal nondual celebration of ephemeral duality. Our site: https://nisargayoga.org/Music by Scott Buckley - https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/