Nondual therapist Nic Higham speaks with Paul Dobson about the reality of nonduality. Everything begins with imagination. As we perceive life, we instantaneously intellectualise it and therefore distort it. The creative storytelling power of imagination projects colour, shape, form, and meaning on the blank screen that is your primary nature. The moment you have a sense of Aliveness and you say “I exist,” the entire universe is created, including your distinctive self-identity in contrast to other individuals. This means that you don’t exist because the world exists; the world exists because you do! The universe is one creative manifestation of the Self, and the body-mind you call you and yours is another, so, as the Self, you’re not limited to them and they don’t ultimately define you. Each finite expression points to fullness yet each cannot contain fullness, just as a single snowflake cannot capture the vast snow of Antarctica. Existence originates from you, exists in you, and will return to you.
One thing you can be completely sure of, with a little introspection, is your vital I-Am-ness which underlies and illuminates the constructions of imagination. I-Am-ness precedes imagining.
Music by Scott Buckley -