We're back with the latest installment of The Astrocast, with Numinous resident astrologers Bess Matassa and Sandy Sitron. Aries Season (3/20—4/19) marks the beginning of the astrological year, and is infused with the energy of new beginnings. There's a "clean slate" vibe in the air, and Bess and Sandy dive deep into the key theme for the coming weeks: Showing up for yourself; learning through friction; breaking cycles; simplifying things; and a commitment to backing yourself 100%.
It is a JUICY month with tons of cosmic action. In this episode you will also hear about the key transits + diary dates for the coming weeks, including:
The Spring Equinox and the Sun's move into Aries (3/20): A time to commit to beginning again, picking a direction to move forward in, and letting any discomfort just be.
This month's two Libra Full Moons (3/20 and 4/19): A time for becoming your own champion, and for clearing yourself of painful dramas that are ready to go.
The Aries New Moon (4/5): A time for discovering what is essential, sloughing off excess, becoming emotionally “aerodynamic”; and committing with your whole body.
Venus in Pisces (3/26) and Mercury moving direct in Pisces (3/28): A time for embracing and giving a voice your fantasies and true desires.
Mars in Gemini (3/31): A time for speaking your goals into being while remaining open to the curious journey. For adapting and adjusting.
Pluto in Capricorn opposite north node cancer (starting 3/31) and Sun square Pluto and Saturn in cap (4/10)
Taking responsibility for yourself. No more messing around. Showing up to do what you came here to do.
Jupiter Retrograde (4/10): A time for reconnecting to your sources of internal inspo and being your own “coach.”
We hope you love this episode! I also share the very first HINT as some super exciting developments from us to help you learn astrology for yourself. Make sure you're following on Instagram and all signed up for our newsletter to be the first to hear more!