We get asked for advice by new colorists and those looking to do more color (editors,DPs, etc) all the time.
It’s easy to get into the technical weeds very quickly. In our opinion, a super technical deep dive into modern coloring is not the place to start - it can be overwhelming and turn off a lot of people who are looking for a creative outlet.
So instead of debating the merits of specific workflows and tools, in this episode, we jump into a handful of high-level tips geared to help the new colorist or those working in other disciplines get their feet under them in the world of color.
Some of the things we’ll explore in this episode include:
Thanks for watching/listening! If you liked this episode please be sure to like the show and follow us wherever you found the show.
Big thanks to our friend and fantastic colorist Josh Petok for the show concept. Follow Josh on Instagram @joshpetok
Thanks as always to our sponsor Flanders Scientific for the support and to our editor Stella.