OIST’s first exhibition by a visiting artist transforms data on coral reef health into a thought-provoking artistic experience.
Hiromi Ozaki, known by her artist's name, Sputniko!, is a Japanese British artist combining art and technology to explore social issues. Her work integrates scientific concepts and emerging technologies to question perspectives and highlight important social and environmental issues.
OIST science writer Merle Naidoo recently interviewed Sputniko! for the OIST podcast.
Sputniko! frequently collaborates with scientists, as seen in her project titled “Red Silk of Fate” involving bioengineered silk that combines genetic engineering with cultural mythology. Inspired by Asian mythologies about a red silk line that connects two people who are destined to be together, she collaborated with Prof. Hideki Sezutsu from the University of Tokyo, who also serves as the Research Director at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), to create genetically engineered red silk that contains the “love hormone” oxytocin.
In this podcast episode, Sputniko! discusses the beginnings and challenges of her artistic journey, explaining how science and technology have become central themes in her work. She also shares the inspiration behind her latest exhibition, "Coral Colors," which was on display at the OIST Tunnel Gallery from November 29 to January 9.
この度、OISTのサイエンスライター マール・ナイドゥ―が、OISTポッドキャストでスプツニ子!さんにインタビューしました。
スプツニ子!さんは、科学者とのコラボレーションも頻繁に行っており、遺伝子組み換え技術と文化的な神話を組み合わせた蚕を用いた「Red Silk of Fate」プロジェクトはその一例です。「運命の赤い糸で結ばれた二人」というアジアの神話から着想を得たスプツニ子!さんは、農研機構(NARO)の研究領域長で東京大学教授の瀬筒秀樹氏と共同で、「愛情ホルモン」として知られるオキシトシンを含む遺伝子組み換えした赤い蚕を作り出しました。