Holidays! Thankfulness! Christmas Trees! We’re headed into the holiday swing, recording around Christmas Trees and reflecting on the past weekend. Bri talks about meeting all of her boyfriends friends at Friendsgiving with an IBS spell, and Abbey and Bri talk about the best Thanksgiving celebration with Jake’s family.
This episode is just as epic as the past two, in different ways. We are introduced to two new characters. Ladies and gentleman, Mark Sloan is in the house and he joins Meredith in the "Dirty Mistress Gang". We also meet Thatcher, Meredith’s dad who can’t seem to ever say the right thing.
Cristina knows how to have a private dance party, and pulls Burke right in. This is a classic favorite scene, and both Bri and Abbey are thrilled by it.
At the end of the episode we have one of the most cringe worthy scenes in all of Grey’s history. Meredith and it. It’s hard to even comprehend and Abbey and Bri struggle to even talk about it.
The ladies are still struggling with sound, they need a new microphone, so they apologize, but you should all donate to them damnit!