Mercury is in retrograde. Technology is fucked. Communication is fucked. This episode is a great representation of it. (Which is why you're getting it a day early).
Where do you bank? Are the tellers aliens? Do you have a safety security box? Do you put your beanie babies in it? How about dry ice, just so it’s spooky when you open it?
Breakfast is different than muffins — classic first note. Whatever Izzie is cooking reflects what mental state she’s in. She’s making breakfast and heading into the hospital today, where she walks into an auditorium full of people talking about Denny’s case
All this talk of Denny makes Bailey question herself. Callie is sleeping with Sloan. Burke’s not ok. Izzie’s not ok. Izzie is running around the hospital, when she should just be sent home. She doesn’t work there.
This episode is a filler, and it sucks. Storylines need to be resolved in order to head into the next phase. Derek and Addison are finally divorced. Izzie gets inspired by Cristina and wants to become a surgeon again. We’re all bored.
The most exciting part of this episode the patients who are stuck together during sex because of a penis piercing. Ouch. BUT pain brings pleasure! Except for this episode. All it brought was a lot of pain and an average 2 scalpel rating.