It’s another episode of The On Call Room! Bri is about to move, and next week she will no longer be living with Donna. We all hope they have a loving goodbye, and Bri gets her selfie with her. Stay tuned.
Abbey spent the week in New York and has all the feels for Harry Potter Broadway. Spoiler alert: this is also a Broadway review and Harry Potter podcast.
This is an iconic episode. We’re going camping! We’re headed to the mountains! We’re not spending the night, man love!
Burke’s tremor makes its appearance again. Karev and George have a slap fight. Derek has a weird car. Chief has so many things...cheese, bucket hats, rolling suitcases and ignorance.
Mer and Der meet in the bar again. We’re hoping for a win on this one because this back and forth is killing us. Izzie is coming to terms with her grief and Cristina is manic over Burke being gone.
It’s obvious that big things are about to happen in the world of Greys. Each character is shifting and things are about to be turned upside down. In the words of Imogen Heap “Where are we? What the hell is going on?”