It is warm weather again, and you know what that means..bugs on bugs on bugs. So, shut up and listen to Abbey and Bri talk about these terrifying encounters, from stink bugs to spiders. The fear is so great, Abbey is even dreaming about vacuuming them up. Stay tuned for the next 10 weeks of summer, where all they can talk about is insects destroying their lives...and how hot it is.
But, do not fret there is more to this episode than bug talk. Bri is on vacation and is livin' la vida loca. Abbey is installing new door locks, and both of them are in bright and shiny moods, just like Meredith. Even though Meredith is withholding sex from Derek, that doesn't stop her from taking a super sensual bright and shiny bubble bath with him. Opening scene of this episode makes Abbey and Bri uncomfortable, even though they're both crude people...must be the Catholic guilt.
George's Dad shows up in the hospital after a clavicle break, but in true Grey's fashion there is more to the story. Harold has cancer, and a broken heart and Cristina is put on his service. This is obviously leading to something larger in the story. Cristina and Burke are about to implode soon. The staff is picking up on it, the viewers are picking up on it, everyone knows that shit is about to blow up.
Chief is considering retiring, his marriage depends on it. Addison and Derek attempt to "help" him out of his depressive funk, when in actuality they end up bickering over past hurts. When will it end??
Izzie is still on do not touch duty and is shadowing Karev. After working on a patient with pectoral implants, he makes the grand gesture and lets Izzie take out the patients drain (which supposedly translates to I still love you and want to have sex with you). This of course leads to an awkward prolonged unwanted kiss in the stairwell. Izzie "just can't" and runs away. Luckily, they reunite in the bar (best place to reunite) and move past their awkward unwanted stairwell kiss.
It is obvious that this episode is building up to a big explosive episode, where break downs happen and people are upset at each other and there is a ton of drama. So, we get it Shonda...can we just get to that part already? Enough with the filler episodes...give us some GGBs!