Happy Thanksgiving Grey's BBs! We hope you're enjoying time spent with family and friends. While you're shoving your face with turkey and cranberry sauce, hopefully, you are blaring this podcast for your Thanksgiving guests to enjoy; because who doesn't want their Grandma to hear the word fuck over and over again!
This week we get to see Addison again. She is zen and she has a different hair color. She walks around the hospital keeping her mouth shut, witnessing the changes that have occurred in the doctors lives. The one person she can't keep her mouth shut in front of is Meredith. She calls out Meredith for letting Derek get away, thank God because someone needed to say it.
Callie and McSteamy start sleeping together, but something makes us think that this is only for a short while...perhaps to cover up the desire to speak the vagina monologues.
Meredith and Derek begin their clinical trial. He doesn't want her to get her hopes up, and unfortunately he's right. Bear man dies on the table. They lose their first patient, and we all know there will be plenty more to come.
Cristina is about to loose her shit. It is obvious that by Hahn refusing to teach her, she is going to breakdown. Surgery is who Cristina is, and Hahn is being a real dick by withholding teaching from her.
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