Welcome to a Twilight podcast. This week Bri travels down a deep dark hole of Bella, Edward, and Jacob (team Edward). Bri realizes she really missed the boat on a lot of young adult novels, and feels a little disappointed that she is reverting back to 13 years old again. Abbey OF COURSE has already read all the books and seen all the movies, because she is a champion of young adult fiction.
Owen is back and he is stabbing pigs. This is not a great first look Owen. I think you should try harder next time. More to come on Owen, but for now let us all just recognize that he stabbed five pigs.
Callie and Erica finally get together. It is really moving for Erica, and she now sees leaves on trees. Callie doesn't have quite the same response and jumps in bed with Mark again. Testing theories and what not. Probably not the kindest, or most adult response. Maybe next time she should try communicating with the person she is sleeping with. Just a thought.
Alex and Izzie get together, with just enough time for Izzie to loose her marbles. That's right folks Ghost Denny is in the house. He is floating around the hospital in that white tee looking mighty fine, but being completely out of place, for this is a medical show. Can't wait until ghost sex.