s8 e8 • the one with dr. green (the one with the stripper)
we are cringing at an element within the bachelor party storyline. quick shout out to joey for bringing up a real conversation on investing in friendships. and, leann's view of harry potter may make you angry if you are an OG fan.
meanwhile, stripped of a bachelor party (pun intended) monica tries making it up to chandler. rachel tells her dad some news. and, ross's budding relationship starts off a bit bumpy from her interactions with both of the greens.
#recommendtoafriend | starbucks iced lavender cream oakmilk matcha & please send your friend updates as you read the book that friend has recommended to you! BRING 👏🏼 THEM 👏🏼 WITH 👏🏼 YOU 👏🏼
quote of the week | "i'm ready to lap up your review" - leann
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