The Other Stories | Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF Stories
The Hand Of Glory
'A solo mission to recover a missing fellow superhero from the Appalachian Mountains goes awry for newly-inducted heroine The Wren.'
Written by Georgia Cook (
Narrated by Alexandra Elroy
Edited by Karl Hughes (
With music by Kai Engel (
And Thom Robson (
The episode illustration was provided by Luke Spooner of Carrion House (
A quick thanks to our community managers, Joshua Boucher and Jasmine Arch
And Carolyn O'Brien for helping with our submission reading.
And to Ben Errington for his content loop-de-loops and double helixs’s he takes us on on his Social Media Rollercoaster. Scream if you want to go faster! AAAGGGHHH!
Georgia Cook is an illustrator and writer from London. She can be found on twitter at @georgiacooked and on her website at
Alexandra is a bilingual voice actress and writer who lives in the Netherlands. She loves everything to do with stories, especially creative and playful horror. Her favourite voices to do are witches, goblins and crazy computers.
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The Other Stories is a production of the story studio, Hawk & Cleaver, and is brought to you with a Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. Don’t change it. Don’t sell it. But by all means… share the hell out of it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.