The Other Stories | Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF Stories
Where Credit Is Due
'Horror author Reynard Osman’s books aren’t selling, and he’s decided to resurrect his failing career on the shoulders of Cassus, a sophisticated AI that can write his novels for him. But when Reynard asks Cassus to craft something that can get him the number one spot on the bestseller list, Cassus writes him a ghastly magnum opus.'
Written by Dexter McLeod (
Narrated by Justin Fife (
Produced by Karl Hughes (
With music by Chris Zabriskie (
And Thom Robson (
And sound effects provided by
The episode illustration was provided by Luke Spooner of Carrion House (
A quick thanks to our community managers, Joshua Boucher and Jasmine Arch
And Joshua Boucher for helping with our submission reading.
And to Ben Errington, the Turing Test of Social Media, making social media posts so lively you’d think they were alive in and of themselves.
Dexter McLeod is a writer from the southern United States, though he vacations on the shores of dim Carcosa. You can follow him on Twitter, @DexterMcLeod.
Voice actor and podcaster follow Justin Fife on Twitter at
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The Other Stories is a production of the story studio, Hawk & Cleaver, and is brought to you with a Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. Don’t change it. Don’t sell it. But by all means… share the hell out of it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.