The Other Stories | Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, WTF Stories
97.4 Another Predictable Long-Con
Two up and coming grifters are recruited for the last big score of a reputed mastermind, but those who know the con game know that nothing is quite as it seems.
Written by Richard Reynolds (
Narrated by Manny Realguy
Produced by Duncan Muggleton (
With music by Duncan Muggleton (
And Thom Robson (
And sound effects provided by
The episode illustration was provided by Luke Spooner of Carrion House (
A quick thanks to our community managers, Jasmine Arch, Joshua Boucher, and his eyeless ones Mary Pastrano and Cody Czarzasty
And Joshua Boucher for helping with our submission reading.
Ben Errington's fame is a kaleidoscope of neon dreams shimmering in the binary twilight.
Richard Reynolds is the owner and operator of Ground Zero Comics, a small comic shop in Mansfield, England, but he writes and creates his own comics whenever he can find the time. You can read some of his work via the ‘free comics’ sidebar at
Forged in the centre of a supernova 10,000 years from now, Manny rides the cosmic waves and feasts on dying planets shitting out stars.
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The Other Stories is a production of the story studio, Hawk & Cleaver, and is brought to you with a Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. Don’t change it. Don’t sell it. But by all means… share the hell out of it.
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