We kick off by talking about The Chosen (www.imdb.com/title/tt9471404/)a multi-season show about the life of Jesus and how we can use different representations of Jesus to chat about how we see Him.
Our question this week is from a parent looking at choosing secondary schools. How do we balance the different merits of faith schools, letting the child be key in the decision making and maintaining friendships?
Anna chats to Sanna about podcast clubs. Sanna shares how she got started, how it helps her as a parent and top tips if you'd like to start one with some friends. She mentions the Don't Mom Alone website which has more info on podcast clubs. You can check that out at dontmomalone.com/join/
If you are running a podcast club, here are some questions you might want to chat about from this episode:
- What is your favourite movie/picture/painting of Jesus and why?
- What aspects of Jesus do you feel are often missed out in representations of Jesus in the arts?
- When you look at children’s bibles or storybooks, how do you feel about the illustrations of Jesus and the way he comes across? What do you do to help?