Rachel, Anna and Becky share what's new and coming up for you this year.
A few links of some things we mention:
The Comfort in the Darkness audiobook - audible.co.uk/pd/Comfort-in-the-Darkness-Audiobook/B08QNJQG8T
The new babies and toddlers book, coming out on 19 Feb - brfonline.org.uk/products/babies-and-toddlers
Nurturing Babies and Toddlers’ Spiritual Lives Training Morning - brfonline.org.uk/products/nurturing-babies-and-toddlers-spiritual-lives-training-morning
The Cliff College certificate in Parenting for Faith cliffcollege.ac.uk/courses/cliff-college-online/parenting-faith-online
Our free Facebook live events for parents and carers (called Bedtime Drinks) and for children's, youth and family leaders (called Lunch with Rachel) - parentingforfaith.org/upcoming-events#facebooklive
Parenting as a Church Leader Training Evenings in March - brfonline.org.uk/products/parenting-as-a-church-leader-day-march-2021