The Pastor’s Heart with Dominic Steele
The zeitgeist has changed profoundly in the last month. Our 2020 vision calendar has been ripped up. We can’t predict what will happen next week, or even tomorrow.
As we prepare online presentations for Good Friday and Easter Sunday in this tumultuous context, two of Australia’s leading Chistian communicators Mike Raiter and Sam Chan join Dominic Steele to talk about how COVID-19 has changed our task.
Mike Raiter is from Melbourne’s Center for Biblical Preaching and Sam Chan is an evangelist with City Bible Forum, Sydney.
We discuss the following questions:
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Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.
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