In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology.
What's new with Boards and Maintenance of Certification? Why should pathologists get involved in organized medicine? What does growing up on a farm have to do with an interest in medicine?
On this episode, Dr. Sara Jiang (
@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Chief Executive Officer for the American Board of Pathology (
@TheABPath), and a former Trustee, Treasurer, and President of the ABPath. Prior to her position with the ABPath, Dr. Johnson was Chair of Pathology and Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Residency Program Director at Berkshire Health Systems, in Pittsfield, MA from 1992-2012. She is a past member and chair of the ACGME Pathology Residency Review Committee. She has been a delegate to the AMA for over twenty years and served as Past Chair of the Pathology Section Council. She serves as Secretary-Treasurer of the American Board of Medical Specialties and on their Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Dr. Johnson has received numerous awards including the College of American Pathologists’ Distinguished Service Award, President’s Honors, Outstanding Communicator Award, and Certificate of Meritorious Achievement.
For all the latest news on the ABP, visit
Featured public domain music:
US Army Blues, BugaBlue