People bury a great deal beneath these Martian sands: bodies and secrets and even entire cities. But some things refuse to stay buried long – like the past. Those we thought lost, hoped lost, but never gone for good.
Buddy Aurinko is learning that lesson the hard way. Her buried past has a face and a name, and though all Buddy wants is to forget, her past does not seem content to be forgotten.
Welcome to the Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you enjoy your journey.
(Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description.)
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We'd like to thank our Patreon supporters, without whom The Penumbra Podcast would not be possible. Thank you so, so much. A list of those heroes can be found at the bottom of this page:
On staff at the Penumbra:
Kat Buckingham -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach
Mikaela Buckley -- Promotional artist, Script editor
Alice Chuang -- Head of Design
Scott Galica -- Recording engineer
Sophie Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode
Development, Director, Sound designer
Noah Simes -- Production manager, Script editor
Grahame Turner -- Script editor
Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead
Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music
This episode's cast:
Chloe Cunha (Vespa), Sarah Gazdowicz (Buddy), Joshua Ilon (Juno), William Schuller (Rasbach), Alexander Stravinsky (Jacket)
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
"Kind of Girl" by Jeris, featuring spinningmerkaba:
“Sweeping up glass shards.mp3” by CGEffex
“Glass break – Medium jar” by RoganDerrick
”Car Engine” by 1histori
“Sirene alarm (Loop)” by xDimebagx
“RKeaton_EMF366_5_Squeaky Leather Boots.aif” by rkeato
Shiro (Kirkoid Mix) by Kirkoid (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Reverie (small theme) by _ghost (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Pitx
Forgotten Land by Doxent Zsigmond (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark, Joanne Gabriel
Trigger Warnings: