Every city has its secrets that it keeps under lock and key -- and that's why Quanyii, Witch of the Wastes, has no interest in those. If every city has them, they're not exactly special, are they?
The big secrets though -- those are a little more hidden. Like... two locks and two keys. And Quanyii has one secret of the Second Citadel just like that that he wants. All he needs is an accomplice.
Oh, hello, little girl. Do you have a minute?
Welcome to the Penumbra, dear Traveler. We hope you enjoy your stay.
(Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description.)
You can find all of our transcripts here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1bnWLw5dTW4l9A0bmOMzEiy6XqqsXHHi_ Transcripts will come out along with the public release of the episode.
On staff at the Penumbra:
Kat Buckingham -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach
Alice Chuang -- Head of Design
Melissa DeJesus -- Script editing team
Sophie Takagi Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer
Milo Ellersick -- Promotional artist
Noah Simes -- Production manager
Grahame Turner -- Script editing team
Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer
Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music
Recorded by Mertz at The Bridge Sound & Stage
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
"Kind of Girl" by Jeris, featuring spinningmerkaba: http://ccmixter.org/files/VJ_Memes/35657
“Metal Creak 02.wav” by joanasjoan https://freesound.org/people/joanasjoan/sounds/462714/
“Tool Box” by NWSP https://freesound.org/people/NWSP/sounds/240743/
“Jingle_Achievement_00.wav” by LittleRobotSoundFactory https://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/sounds/270524/
“bang prison door LOOP 130903_00.wav” by klankbeeld https://freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/sounds/207930/
“FX_Body_Blows_01.wav” by PeteBarry https://freesound.org/people/PeteBarry/sounds/493788/
“Squeak rubber stretch” by stiffen https://freesound.org/people/stiffman/sounds/384704/
“Digital breakdown.wav” by LukeSharples https://freesound.org/people/LukeSharples/sounds/143978/
“ELEMENTS_FIRE_01_Burning-Room.wav” by suonho https://freesound.org/people/suonho/sounds/17725/
“Thunder - Medium distance (no rain)” by Spennnyyy https://freesound.org/people/Spennnyyy/sounds/350505/
“FX_Vent_Foley.wav” by PeteBarry https://freesound.org/people/PeteBarry/sounds/474014/
"UI, Mechanical, Turning-Off, 02, FX.wav" by InspectorJ https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/458584/
Trigger Warnings: