In this episode, Aaron and I are joined by Britt Bosse (@britt.bosse) , an animal and wildlife photographer who also happens to be Aaron's frequent shooting buddy on the east coast of the US. In the first half of this episode we hear about Britt's vegan lifestyle. We found this was an important topic to talk about because it stirs up controversy and we want listeners to be exposed to all kinds of thoughts and opinions. We want to help redesign a world that both supports and challenges beliefs we may have and avoid living in an echo chamber of polarization.
Britt's editing skills and style is unmatched. Aaron and I have yet to find someone who edits their photos anything like Britt does. Check out her Instagram or 500px to see what we're talking about. Notice in the episode how many different sources she is able to name off the cuff of where she was able to learn her editing techniques that she vouches helped form her stylistic approach.
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Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.