This episode features the first Australian photographer on the podcast, Warren Keelan (@warrenkeelan), a talented seascape and water focused photographer who has won several international awards. Warren has truly found his nice genre of photography, and may be part amphibian with the amount of time he spends in the ocean with his underwater housing camera unit.
In this episode we talk about why you should be printing and selling your work in a physical medium. Warren owns his own gallery and print shop where he sells his art work for a living. What better person to get advice from? We also dive into the benefits of tuning out from cell reception for periods of time and what that does to your psyche. Lastly, we get into training your eyes to look for the small details that can take your photos to the next level of creativity when out shooting. The general theme of this episode is about how we all have the ability to discover our purpose through photography.
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Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.