We're joined in this episode by photographer Aaron King (@deepsnap). Aaron was formerly a professional football snapper until a series of bad concussions forced him to retire from sport for the sake of his health. After that he built a multi million dollar company from scratch only to have the pandemic wipe out his business. One of the major themes in this episode and through Aaron's story is resilience, and how to get back up again when life punches you in the mouth. The way Aaron discovered his love for photography and videography and how he came to realize his creative potential is inspiring. As well it seems Aaron has a new vision of what he wants out of life and has begun to realize what is truly important to him after being behind the lens and travelling through many parts of America with his cherished truck.
Thanks to Tamron Americas for being this episode's sponsor! You can check out their website below to see their full lineup of camera lenses or visit your nearest photo retailer to purchase their products:
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Thanks for listening!
Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.