Aaron is back after I went solo last week. We like to do at least an episode a month where Aaron and I get some one-on-one time to discuss thoughts we've been having and concepts we've been mulling over to improve our photography practice and overall life. Aaron is interested in starting a photo-book venture so we talk about that and use it as a vehicle to get into deeper discussion about when to trust and not trust our gut feeling. We emphasize the importance of practicing humility and not pretending to have an understanding of everything and anything. "Knowing What You Don't Know" is a great way to seek expert advice and collect an array of input and data before making decisions. We revisit the importance of having fun grinding and struggling along our journey to get to where we want to. Without the struggle, there would be no progress, and no fulfillment. We try to constantly remind ourselves and listeners of this fact of life.
Thanks to OnCore Golf for being this episode's sponsor!
Submit your name and email and be entered to win the entire grand prize of:
$300 : One OnCore Leather Golf Bag
$35 : 1 OnCore Fairway/Driver Head Cover
$20 : 1 OnCore Towel
$25 : 1 OnCore Beer Cooler
$150 : 3 Dozen OnCore Golf Balls (winner chooses which model)
$250 : Free OnCore Club VIP Membership (gives you early arrivals of new products, automatic entry into experiential Sweepstakes like our celebrity cup, 25% off everything, free shipping and free customization)
Enter the Grand Prize Giveaway here:
Make a donation via PayPal for any amount you feel is equal to the value you receive from our podcast episodes! Donations help with the fees related to hosting the show: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=Z36E4SCB6D3LW
Big shoutout to this week's #TPMartwork feature @cynthiabandurek_artphotography with her shot of a vibrant lizard on the cover art on Spotify. There is such tremendous detail in the scales and its eye feels like it's staring directly into your soul. Congratulations Cynthia! Be sure to check out more of her work and keep submitting to the hashtag for your chance to have your image featured and talked about on a future episode!
Thanks for listening!
Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.