This episode features a discussion with Drew Hamilton (@drewhh), a conservationist and guide first, a photographer second. Drew has been guiding tours in Alaska for the better part of 20 years and has picked up some incredible photography skills along the way. His wildlife shots, in particularly his bears, are stunning.
In this episode we learn about bear behaviour and some misconceptions about brown bears. However, the majority of the episode is utilized to talk about a very important and on-going environmental issue, the proposed pebble mine and the fight for the protection of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Drew is the leader for "Friends of McNeil River" and using his online presence as a conservationist & photographer to bring awareness to the catastrophic effects that a proposed pebble mine in Bristol Bay would do to the ecosystem. It essentially would destroy the last greatest sockeye salmon run on earth, which would reverberate negatively through both the ecosystem and the local economy. Both of these depend on healthy and uninterrupted salmon runs.
You can find out everything you need to know about the proposed pebble mine and find out what you can do to help prevent it by visiting these links below. Please donate if you can, email American senators to voice your displeasure, and spread awareness about the issue through social media and conversation.
Make a donation via PayPal for any amount you feel is equal to the value you receive from the episodes:
Thanks for listening!
Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.