In this episode Seth is joined by Gerry van der Walt (@gerryvanderwalt) an incredibly successful, efficient, and enthusiastic human being. Gerry is a traveler, photographer, online coach, and founder of "Wild Eye", a photographic touring and safari company. Gerry's principles and mindset are completely in sync with what we like to vouch for on the podcast so we knew he'd be a great guest to have on.
In this episode we talk about how to avoid getting stuck, and why taking action is always the best step when "manifesting" rather than sitting and waiting for something to happen. We also talk about how to get to a place where we're constantly thinking about how we can add value as opposed to what there is to gain from a situation. Lastly, among other things, we discuss what real life is compared to digital life and how at some point digital life will become integrated into reality.
Check out The Wild Eye Podcast
Check out The Gerry van der Walt Podcast
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Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.