This episode features a discussion with Colin Bruce, (@canoe_carrier) a wildlife photographer from the Algonquin Park area of Ontario, Canada. Colin is extremely self aware and has a set of principles, ideas, and morals as a photographer and individual that I really respect and feel more people should emulate.
In this episode we chat about how important transparency is in photography, especially wildlife photography. What's going on behind the lens, or how you acquired a photograph is very important to be honest about for viewers who are naive and who may become wrongly inspired. We talk about where to draw the line with editing in wildlife and nature photography and to make sure our edits are not doing our subject a disservice. Lastly, Colin and I put to bed once and for all the myth that better gear will make you a better photographer. Shooting on a setup that cost him $650, Colin is walking proof you can get great results without breaking the bank.
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Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.